My name is Kingsley Pearson. I want to tell compelling stories that engage, reward re-reading, are well-written, and speak to people on deeper personal or social-issue levels.

I’m now represented by Silé Edwards at Andrew Nurnberg Associates.


I’m a mixed-race (Asian & White) British gay man, working as a Clinical Psychologist in digital mental health. I think all of these things influence my approach to writing: the perspective I take on it, the issues I want to address, and the stories I want to tell.

After working as a Clinical Psychologist for twelve years, the extra time at home provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic prompted me to finally take up creative writing alongside my work.


Generative Creativity

At first, learning to write was a way of combating the Groundhog Day sense of everyday being the same and never moving forward, by developing a skill, and then using it to produce something genuinely new.


How did I learn?

I listened to Tim Clare’s 100 Day Writing Challenge podcast, and attended short courses by The Arvon Foundation, Curtis Brown Creative, and Faber Academy. I graduated from the HarperCollins Author Academy. I also read a lot of books about writing, such as David Corbett’s The Art of Character, Tiffany Yates Martin’s Intuitive Editing, George Saunders’ A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, and several books by James Scott Bell.

Learning about, and improving, the craft is an ongoing process, so I keep reading, and attending courses when I can. Feedback is vital, so I am a member of my local critique group, and have a number of early readers who have been kind enough to share their thoughts about early versions of my manuscripts.


More than an outlet

Now writing has taken on a life of its own! I am pursuing the possibility of becoming a published author (whilst still keeping up the day job at present).

I have received positive feedback from friends, writing course beta readers, my critique group, and agents, authors and editors who have been kind enough to read it as part of mentoring schemes, charity auction prizes, and paid 121s, as well as a few writing competitions I entered.


I’m based in London, England.